Oerlikon SUPERFONTE NIFe d.3.2x350 2.2 kg
1107013 193,60 €

SUPERFONTE NiFe is a basic-graphite coated MMA electrode with nickel-iron core wire, for joining and surfacing of cast iron without preheating or with a minimum of < 300°C, "cast iron cold welding". Higher weld metal strength than SUPERFONTE Ni. Used for welding applications on new cast-iron components made of globular gray-cast iron (GJS/GGG) and dissimilar joining of GJS to steel. Suitable for cast irons with globular graphite (GJS), black-heart cast iron (GJMB), white-heart cast iron (GJMW), austenitic cast iron and dissimilar joints to steel. Easy striking, stable arc, finely-rippled bead surface. Weld at low heat input with short beads, ~10 to 30 mm, and hammer peen. Weld metal can be machined.
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